Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Welcome to The Hell

The Gates of Hell
Intuos 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4
The Cursed Island
Intuos 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4
The King of Hell
Intuos 4, Adobe Photoshop CS4
In this project, I feel challenged to make a different version of Hell, the Hell in my perspective. When he soul enter the Hell they should feel very scary it’s just because of the screams, the fire and the devil, but for me, scariness can come from the diverse way. The Hell in my version is very quiet, but not peaceful. When the souls enter the Hell, they will face a different scenery from what they’ve ever imagine. No fire, no scream. But they precisely feel very tortured because of the loneliness and helpless they feel. Human can’t live alone, so when they were left alone it was worst than everything.

There are so many isle in Hell but there just one isle that had a different atmosphere with another isle. That will catch the soul’s attention to go there. The last isle is the place where the demon sit and wait for the next soul to be punished.  The demon here is a rabbit character combined with pig character and some other cruel and scary creature. When you reach the last isle, you will see the demon pointing at you, which is mean “YOU WILL DIE!”


  1. Thank you very much.. I really appreciate that. :)

  2. May I know, or maybe add your facebook account by any chance? Thanks :)
