Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Planet-X DefiyinGravity

Character Design - Planet-X Candy Land
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

This is a poster I've designed for Planet-X Candy Land to promote DefiyinGravity. Planet-X Candy Land is an extraordinary candy-land built in my imagination. In Planet-X you can walk and lick on a same time, since all the ground were made of candies. Planet-X is led by a King named Oepf (One Eye Pink Furred) with all his cute-creatures population. 
In this special moment, Planet-X held a special event named DefiyinGravity, where all Planet-X becomes zero gravity. In this special occasional all the visitors can enjoy their sweets while they are all floating in the air. Interested? Come and visit Planet-X Candy Land.

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