Thursday, April 21, 2011

NAFA Website Design

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The new NAFA Website Design is designed based on the NAFA characteristic and identity as a design school. Thedirection is to strengthen the identity of NAFA as a design school by adding some elements of design such as line, basic shape and colors. Basically, the target audience is NAFA current students and new students which is a designer-wanna-be. Based on this target audience, the color mood used are some bright color picked from
CMYK color format, such as Cyan, Magenta, Orange, and Green. Besides, more flash effect would be applied
through some links and global navigations.
The container use would be a mix container for an compability purpose. The three columns layout is applied in
order to reach the golden ratio. And some missing elements from the current website design is being added to this new website design. For example, the NAFA logo, the role of NAFA Logo is very important to bring out NAFA identity. The consistency applied through some repetition in background pattern, layout, color and many other elements. And last but not least, there are a Language Aid comes with many language options and feedback forms attached in every page header and footer.

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